One year after the "Tokyo Decisive Battle", the Britannian boy Lelouch lives an ordinary student life in Area 11 (formerly Japan). However, Lelouch and his brother Rolo met the remnants of the Black Knights during a trip. After forming a contract with the girl CC again, the dusty memories were placed in front of Lelouch. As a prince of the empire, Lelouch used GEASS, the power of absolute obedience, to lead the Black Knights to declare war on the empire in order to build a world where everyone is equal and a world where his sister Nunnally can be happy. He put on a mask and used the alias ZERO, but was defeated by his friend Suzaku in the "Tokyo Decisive Battle" a year ago, and his memory was wiped out by the emperor of the empire. Now, Lelouch, who has recovered his memory, not only has to face the powerful military force of the empire, but also has to face his fake brother Rolo, his missing sister Nunnally, the Chinese Alliance that does not know who is friend and foe, and the Black Knights that have internal divisions. Facing internal and external troubles, Lelouch embarked on the curse of the power of GEASS - the lonely king's road.