The story takes place in Kyoto, where ancient and prosperous coexist. The izakaya Axin, run by Nobuyuki Yazawa (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita), is located here. Chika Shinobu (voiced by Suzuko Mimori) is a waiter working in the store. The two partners act very well together. What they didn't expect was that from some point on, Axin's door was connected to the entrance of the other world Aitria. Every day, there is an endless stream of residents of the other world who come here to have a drink and relax. Hans (voiced by Atsushi Abe), who has a fanatical love for draft beer, Nicholas (voiced by Shotaro Morikubo), who has a very cheerful personality and is a little informal, Berthold (voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi), who looks very fierce and serious but is actually very gentle, and the tax officer Gnot (voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda), who is a bit calculative, gathered in Axin and enjoyed the precious time of relaxation together.