"The Daily Life of a Boy in High School" is set at Sanada Kita Boys' School, and revolves around the daily high school life of the protagonist Tadakuni (voiced by Irino Miyu), and his best friends Hideki (voiced by Sugita Tomokazu) and Yoshitake (voiced by Suzumura Kenichi). Tadakuni mainly plays the role of a spit, and he is often bullied by Hideki and Yoshitake with a neutral appearance. Other characters on the show include Motoharu, Karasawa, the vice president and the president of the student council of the same school. This is a group of boys who basically have no girlfriends. With few girls participating, they start their daily high school life with gags. This is a funny work with short content and full of laughs. The animation uses the rhythm of a small story in each episode and the title form of "Boys in High School and XX" to present the hilarious daily stories of boys in high school to the audience. This work is adapted from the manga of the same name "The Daily Life of a Boy in High School" by Yasunobu Yamauchi.