The third season of the cartoon High School DXD follows the previous two parts and tells the story of Issei Hyoudou, a second-year male student in an ordinary high school who has never had a girlfriend. He finally got his first girlfriend! He could have said sorry to his friends because he could get to the adult ladder one step faster, but for some reason he was killed by his girlfriend. He was saved by the school's top beauty, Rias Gremory, but she said something that only a devil would say, "You have been reincarnated as a devil. Serve me!" Issei was tempted by the reward of his senior's chest, and as a servant devil, he started a story of love comedy and battle fantasy in Koou Academy. Detailed plot: Issei and Rias, Aisha, Akeno, Koneko, and Jenova live under the same roof and enjoy their cohabitation life. But after a while of such a stable daily life, the Supernatural Research Department used the summer vacation to go to the underworld. As soon as Issei and others arrived in the underworld, they practiced rigorously under the orders of Azazel, and only Koneko among the group was not confident in his own strength. One day, the three major forces of demons, angels, and fallen angels, as well as the Nordic gods Asgard, held a meeting to discuss countermeasures against terrorism. But behind the scenes, the Misfortune Group led by Vali and the kitten's sister Heige began to take dangerous actions... The young butler Kuro