Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Yuji Miya) and Uesugi Kazuya (voiced by Keiichi Namba) are twin brothers who grew up with Asakura Minami (voiced by Houko Hidaka) who lives next door. All three of them entered Meisei Academy. Although they are twins, Tatsuya and Kazuya have completely opposite personalities. Kazuya is the idol of the girls in the school and the ace of the baseball team; while Tatsuya is lazy and doesn't care about anything. In school, Kazuya and Konan are recognized as a perfect pair. Tatsuya also thinks that the two are a good match, and he only likes Konan silently in his heart. But Konan always seems to be approaching and caring about Tatsuya intentionally or unintentionally. Kazuya led the baseball team to the key battle to enter Koshien. On the night before the final, Kazuya expressed his love for Konan, but Konan did not respond. The next morning, everything was the same as before, but changes came. On the way to the assembly, Kazuya, who was in a car accident while saving a child, died on the way to victory, and the promise to take Konan to Koshien was terminated. In this sad summer, Tatsuya decided to pick up his brother's unfinished dream and joined the baseball club. The road to Koshien is long and tortuous, and Konan is as bright as a distant star, but the firm step-by-step progress will eventually usher in the day when they will touch each other.