The story takes place on a scenic island. Taro Fumori (voiced by Kensho Ono), Masayuki Nakajima (voiced by Jun Fukuyama) and Shin Okami (voiced by Soichiro Hoshi) are three teenagers living here. Each of them has a sad past that they don't want to recall. One day, the three people who were tired of the monotonous and boring life gathered together to explore the legendary cursed land. At the junction of the "present world" and the "ghost world", the three witnessed a very terrifying and painful scene. In fear, the three people hurriedly fled, but found that their souls had left their bodies. When they found their bodies again, everything changed. The three people gained the special ability to freely shuttle between the two worlds. At the same time, the truth of the kidnapping incident that Taro Fumori had encountered resurfaced.