The ordinary middle school student Madoka Kaname (voiced by Aoi Yuuki) has a happy family. In life, she is a good child with a gentle personality and love. The appearance of transfer student Homura Akemi (voiced by Chiwa Saito) broke Madoka's peaceful life. This cool and frail black straight girl seemed to have some unspeakable secrets about Madoka. The encounter in fate appeared. Madoka rescued a strange animal covered with wounds on the roadside. Unexpectedly, this animal could speak human language. It told Madoka that its name was Kyubey (voiced by Emiri Kato) and made a special request. It hoped that Madoka could sign a contract with it to become a magical girl. Magical girls are a special existence in this world. They are responsible for fighting witches. As a reward, Kyubey can fulfill any of their wishes. In the process of fighting, Madoka discovered that the profession of magical girl is not as beautiful as described in the story, and there is a possibility of sacrifice at any time. And, as the battle escalates, a cruel truth about herself is gradually surfacing.