The story revolves around five protagonists. Single Ted (Josh Radnor) is still looking for his true love. After many failed relationships, he finds that he no longer has the same faith as before. He unexpectedly reunites with his girlfriend Victoria from 6 years ago. He wants to get back together with Victoria, but is told that she is about to get engaged. On the other hand, Matthew (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan) are surprised to find that Lily is pregnant. This new life makes them happy and nervous. Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) is busy trying to win back his ex-girlfriend Nora, who decides to give Barney another chance, so they get back together. Robin (Cobie Smulders) is jealous and finds that she still loves Barney... The biggest suspense of this show is who the "mom" is. We only know that Ted met this mysterious true love at Barney's wedding. Who is she?