The story takes place in the late Edo period. Kiri (Saki Takaoka) accidentally met the orphan Asagiri (Yumi Adachi) and took her back to the brothel to train her to become a prostitute. Asagiri was abused by her mother and had cherry-like scars all over her body, but it was a blessing in disguise because she was loved by customers because of her unusual appearance. One day, during a grand memorial service, Asagiri met a young man named Hanjiro (Yasu Fuchigami). The kind and honest Hanjiro attracted Asagiri's attention and made her fall in love. However, as the top card of the brothel, love is expressly prohibited, and Asagiri was reprimanded by the proprietress for this. Later, at a banquet hosted by Yoshidaya (Kanji Tsuda), Asagiri and Hanjiro met again. Yoshidaya noticed the friendship between the two, and he decided to break them up with a strong possessiveness.