The animated TV version of "Mobile Force" is divided into 2 seasons. The first season describes: In 2030 AD, the world that has experienced four world wars faces more severe challenges. With the continuous development of human cyborgization and other technologies, criminal behavior has become increasingly bizarre and complicated. In order to solve such cases, the direct unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Japan, Public Security Section 9, a special force that does not exist to the outside world, launched sanctions against evil forces under the leadership of Captain Motoko Kusanagi. What faced Public Security Section 9 were cases created under highly developed technology, conspiracies of power and political struggles, and Stand Alone Complex crimes represented by the smiley man. The second season takes place after the end of the smiley man incident. Public Security Section 9 faces new enemies. The anti-government armed organization that calls itself "11 people of individuals" began a well-planned crime. The war refugee issue involved behind it has intensified the contradictions in the entire society. Faced with the pressure from the government and criminals, Motoko Kusanagi once again led Public Security Section 9 to go out.