In the duel with the president of the Tei Ai Group, Hyoudou Kazutsugu (voiced by Tsukayama Masatane), Ito Kaiji (voiced by Hagiwara Seito) stumbled and owed the other party a debt of up to 10 million yen. Unable to repay, Kaiji was thrown into the underground facility of the Tei Ai Group for forced labor. In the next 15 years, he will work hopelessly in this hell on earth until all the debts are paid off. The only hope to escape here is the "1-day outing ticket". Hell has its own rules, and an outing ticket requires a considerable amount of ghostwriting to obtain. For that glimmer of hope, Kaiji once again threw himself into the gambling game. Compared with the gambling houses in the world above, this place is full of more desires, greed, temptations and sins. For Kaiji, this is undoubtedly a dance on the edge of a knife... This film is adapted from the original work of Japanese manga artist Nobuyuki Fukumoto.