Recently, Nobita (voiced by Megumi Ohara) has been fascinated by a TV series called "Galaxy Defense Force". The heroic image of the heroes fighting against evil forces in the play has left a deep impression in Nobita's mind, hoping that he can punish evil and promote good like these heroes one day. One day, Nobita came to Suneo's (voiced by Tomokazu Seki) house and found that he had actually got the costumes of the heroes in the play and also found a camera. He planned to shoot their own heroic TV series with Fat Tiger (voiced by Kimura Takashi) and Shizuka (voiced by Yumi Kakazu). However, what they didn't expect was that the scene of them having fun was actually seen by an alien named Alan (voiced by Marina Inoue). The planet where Alan lived was invaded by space pirates. He came to Earth to ask for help, and entrusted the hope of saving his mother planet to these "heroes" who seemed to be able to call the wind and rain.