Shueisha's "Monthly Shōnen Comics" serializes the original work of Yagi Kōnen's comic book by Yagi Kōnen. The main character is Kitano Seiichiro, the angel's heart and soul.そのphobia ろしいposing ゆえ、転入してきたAzure High School では多くのMisunderstanding とともにSchool Life を Send ることになってしまう.ひょんなことから, 転初日でAzure High School’s captain, Kitano は…. This work is supervised by Kaizawa Yuki, "Hello Mister" and "Mr. Hell Kaizawa" Male, Tobi Taden Nobuo, Tomo Sakurai, and Satoshi Sakurai, Yasuji Ishii's voice actor lineup.