Having just ended the fight with the rebellious ninja group "Akatsuki", Konoha Village is shrouded in a strange and ominous atmosphere. At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto (voiced by Junko Takeuchi) is immersed in the thoughts of his family, lonely and helpless. One night, Naruto, who is in a bad mood, happens to meet Sakura (voiced by Chie Nakamura) who has just quarreled with her family. When the two are chatting in the park, the mysterious Madara (voiced by Naoya Uchida) suddenly appears and uses the pupil technique on the two. After the dizziness, Naruto and Sakura find that the seemingly ordinary Konoha Village, the once familiar partners have undergone a drastic change in personality. A series of abnormal events have troubled the two. What is even more incredible is that Sasuke and Naruto's parents, Minato Namikaze (voiced by Tomoyuki Morikawa) and Kushina (voiced by Megumi Shinohara), also appear in front of them. Madara's conspiracy slowly unfolds... This film is adapted from the original manga by Masashi Kishimoto and is the ninth animated theatrical version of the work.