Kiya Takeshi (voiced by Yu Hatonaka) is a young boy who loves skateboarding very much. He is particularly enthusiastic about the skateboarding competition called "S". By chance, Kiya and a Canadian transfer student named Ranka Chikawa (voiced by Chiaki Kobayashi) participated in a skateboard duel called "BEEF" and were involved in a crazy experience. Although young, the terrifying strength of Minoru Chinen (voiced by Takuma Nagatsuka), Hiromi Higa (voiced by Kenta Miyake) is full of rebellious spirit in both appearance and personality, the mysterious identity and superb skills of Kaoru Sakurayashiki (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa), and the huge but amazingly fast Nanjo Torajiro (voiced by Yasunori Matsumoto). In the competition, Kiya and Ranka Chikawa met a group of like-minded friends and also met a strong enemy that should not be underestimated.