The story takes place in Hoshi no Kai Academy. On the surface, Otosaka Yuu (voiced by Uchiyama Koki) is just an ordinary boy, but in fact, he has the superpower to take over other people's bodies. For so many years, Otosaka has lived peacefully with his superpowers. When he thought that the peaceful days would continue in the new campus, a girl named Toshi Nao (voiced by Sakura Ayane) appeared in front of him. Nao is also a superpower carrier, she can be invisible to a specific person. In addition, Takagi Joshiro (voiced by Mizushima Daisuke) who can teleport, and the campus idol Kuroba Yuzuki (voiced by Uchida Maaya) who can summon the soul of her dead sister Kuroba Misa (voiced by Uchida Maaya), when these boys and girls gather together under the traction of the nameless power, the wheel of fate begins to spin.