Fairy Tail is a manga series written by Hiro Mashima and serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine. The name of the protagonist Natsu means "summer" in Japanese. The story is set in a world full of magic - Earthland. The Kingdom of Fiore is a permanent neutral country with a population of 17 million. Magic is sold in a common way and deeply rooted in people's lives. However, some people manipulate magic and make a living from it. People call them wizards. The wizard guild where many powerful wizards gather is called "Fairy Tail". The girl Lucy has always wanted to join and become a member of it. Under the guidance of Natsu, Lucy finally got what she wanted and met many powerful wizards. Later, Lucy formed the "strongest team" with Natsu, Gray, Erza and Happy. In this noisiest, most violent, but also the happiest guild in the world, they created countless legends. They became stronger through the tasks of various clients, and their partners joined one by one. The story gradually unfolded...