The collection of animated shorts, titled Love, Death and Robots, consists of 18 parts, each lasting 5 to 15 minutes. These shorts cover a variety of genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy; these shorts will also include a variety of formats, including traditional 2D and 3D CGI shorts. List of 18 short film directors: 1. Sonny's Advantage Dave Wilson 2. Three Robots Víctor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres 3. Witness Alberto Mielgo 4. Mobile Armor Franck Balson 5. Soul Eater Owen Sullivan 6. When Yogurt Ruled the World Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres 7. Beyond the Cracks Leon Berlue, Dominique Boidin, Remi Kozyra, Maxime Luere 8. Wish You Good Harvest Oliver Thomas 9. The Garbage Dump Javier Recio Gracia 10. Shapeshifter Gabriele Pennacchioli 11. The Helper Jon Yeo 12. Ancient Fish Resurrection Damian Nenow 13. New Luck Thirteen Jerome Chen 14. Zima's Works Robert Valley 15. Blind Spot Vitality Shushko 16. Ice Age Tim Miller 17. Different History Victor Maldonado & Alfredo Torres 18. Secret War Istvan Zorkoczy