Torami Gintsu (voiced by Tomoko Kumai) is a second-year junior high school student who is not very popular in school. He often has a strange dream in which he comes to a magical world with elves and spells. One day, Gintsu stepped into the door of the classroom as usual, ready to start an ordinary day, but he accidentally walked into the door to another world. On the other side of the door, it turned out to be the world that Gintsu had seen in his dream. Here, everyone is looking for a magic item called "ARM", and Gintsu obtained the most precious one by chance, so he was involved in endless disputes. Here, Gintsu met Jack (voiced by Daisuke Sakaguchi), Alvis (voiced by Soichiro Hoshi) and Shirayuki (voiced by Ai Shimizu), and the group had to fight against the chess corps led by the powerful Phantom (voiced by Mizuki Saiga).