The TV animation "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" is adapted from the manga of the same name created by Koyoharu Gotouge. On June 4, 2018, the animation was announced in the June 27th issue of "Weekly Shonen Jump" in 2018. The animation is produced by ufotable. It will be broadcasted in April 2019. In the Taisho period of Japan, it was a world where man-eating demons were rampant. A family member was killed by demons and his sister became a demon. The protagonist Tanjiro, under the guidance of a demon hunter, became a member of the demon hunter organization "Demon Slayer Corps". In order to turn his sister Nezuko back into a human, to defeat the demon who killed his family, and to cut off the chain of sadness, he started fighting.