After the tragic battle with Majin Buu, the disaster-stricken Earth returned to peace, and Sun Jun (voiced by Masako Nozawa), who existed as the savior, was still alive and lived a carefree and happy life with his family. While the Z fighters enjoyed peace, a terrible god awakened leisurely in the deepest part of the distant universe. He is the God of Destruction Beerus (voiced by Koichi Yamadera), who loves food and is extremely willful. If he is not satisfied with something, he will destroy a planet and the life on it without changing his face. He is a terrible god that even the King of the Worlds dare not provoke easily. Disturbed by a mysterious dream, Beerus decided to find a powerful opponent to compete. He and his follower Whis (voiced by Seiichi Morita) came to Earth. Sun Wukong and his partners face unprecedented challenges, and he will sprint towards the realm of God with all his strength... This film is a brand new Dragon Ball story opened by Akira Toriyama as the original plan.