The strongest showdown in the history of animation is here! The legendary thief Lupin III (voiced by Kurita Kanichi) and his comrades Jigen Daisuke (voiced by Kobayashi Kiyoshi) and Ishikawa Goemon (voiced by Namikawa Daisuke) come to Tokyo and challenge the Japanese police and Conan (voiced by Takayama Minami) in the name of Kaito Kid. After that, Lupin sent a high-profile notice, threatening to steal the rare treasure cherry sapphire in a bank. For this, the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) Lupin III special investigator Inspector Zenigata Yukiichi (voiced by Yamadera Koichi) and Inspector Megure (voiced by Chafurin) and the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, represented by them, worked together to give the thief a head-on blow. On the other hand, Italian idol singer Emilion Validi (voiced by Irino Miyu) went to Japan for a concert, but threatening letters threatening to kill the idol also followed. The unprecedented showdown kicked off at the crowded concert venue...