In a mysterious corner of the universe, a terrifying god that even the King of the Worlds is terrified by has slowly awakened. He is the God of Destruction Beerus (voiced by Yamadera Koichi). During his long 39-year sleep, Beerus dreamed of fighting the legendary God of Saiyans, and the news of Frieza's destruction also aroused his interest in Saiyans. For this reason, he and his follower Whis (voiced by Morita Seiichi) came to King Kai to find Son Goku (voiced by Nozawa Masako) who defeated Frieza. Despite the dissuasion of King Kai (voiced by Yanami Jyouji), Sun Jun dared to challenge Beerus, but suffered a disastrous defeat with a huge disparity in strength. In order to find the truth about the God of Saiyans, Beerus visited the Earth again. At this time, the Z Warriors were gathering in the western city to celebrate Bulma's (voiced by Tsuru Hiromi) birthday, and the delicious food at the party aroused great interest from Beerus and Whis. Vegeta (voiced by Horikawa Riyo), who knew about this in advance, carefully dealt with it to prevent the God of Destruction from destroying the earth, but accidents and battles still inevitably happened... Does the legendary Saiyan God really exist? What will be the fate of the earth?