Issei Hyoudo (played by Yuki Kaji) is a famous lecher in the school, so he is disliked by many girls. One day, a mysterious beautiful girl named Amano Yuma (voiced by Hitomi Nagatame) suddenly appeared in front of Issei. She not only confessed to Issei, but also asked for a date. Is Issei's spring coming like this? What Issei didn't expect was that he was killed by Amano Yuma during their first date. It turned out that Yuma's true identity was the lower-level fallen angel Linali. She accepted the order of the church and came to assassinate Issei. Just when Issei's soul was scattered, the recognized school beauty Rias (voiced by Yoko Hikasa) appeared in front of him. She used the devil chess piece to resurrect Issei and made him her own family. What is the real purpose of the church's assassination of Issei? How will Issei face the life of resurrection from the dead?