The story is set in the present, and the mutant community has suffered an unprecedented devastating blow, and the root of all this is that "Mystique" Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) assassinated Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) in 1973. After learning that "Phantom Cat" (Ellen Page) used the ability to travel through time and space to help Blink (Fan Bingbing) and other comrades escape the pursuit of the giant robot "Sentinel", Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) reached an agreement and decided to let Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) travel back to 1973, find the young Professor X (James McAvoy) and the young Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and persuade them to stop Mystique's actions together. So Wolverine embarks on a journey back to the past, but no one knows whether fate will be reversed.