On the surface, Shinonome Nano (voiced by Furuya Shizuka) is a cute and somewhat innocent black-haired girl, but the striking spring on her back reveals her true identity - a girl robot transformed by the doctor (voiced by Hiromi Konno). Although she feels very inferior about the spring on her back, the doctor always refuses to help Nano transform because she is very cute. In the first-grade Q class where Nano is studying, there are many of Nano's friends - Yuko Aioi (voiced by Honda Mariko), who is too lively and often goes berserk, Mio Naganohara (voiced by Aizawa Mai), an artistic girl who often falls into the fantasy of homosexuality, and Mai Mizukami (voiced by Misuzu Togashi), a three-good student who looks silent and quiet but has a dark and poisonous tongue. In this way, the daily life and fierce complaints that are often off the line unfold between these three people.