In Harima, Musashi and his party met the Uesugi Samurai Group, a large samurai group led by Uesugi Tatsuomi. Their goal was to defeat the huge demon god "Yamata no Orochi" entrenched in Awaji Island. There, there was also the Takeda Samurai Group led by Takeda Naotora, samurai of the same age as Musashi, Shimazu Akihiro and Niko Katsumi, and the shy princess Saruto Mitsuru who was a little unworldly. In the vortex of various thoughts, Musashi and his party also joined the battle to exterminate demons. The Yamata no Orochi they were going to challenge was a demon god who was said to have "never been hurt by anyone" and was as strong as a copper wall. What Musashi and his companions were about to face was an unprecedented fierce battle.