The story takes place in Rissohoku High School in Chiba Prefecture. Onoda Sakamichi (voiced by Yamashita Daiki) is a thorough otaku who is obsessed with the second dimension culture. Throughout Onoda's junior high school years, he was unable to find like-minded people, so he made a decision to join the anime club in high school. However, the anime club was disbanded due to lack of staff, which made Onoda's hard-earned fighting spirit like a bucket of cold water. By chance, Onoda's posture of climbing a bicycle was seen by Imaizumi Shunsuke (voiced by Toriumi Hirofu) of the cycling club. Imaizumi is a very experienced cyclist who has participated in various competitions since junior high school. In Onoda, Imaizumi saw his extraordinary cycling talent and decided to lobby him to join the cycling club.