According to the introduction, the animation "Pokemon THE ORIGIN" is a work that unfolds the story around the characters of the first Pokémon game "Pokémon Red and Green". The animation describes the protagonist, the young Red, who is commissioned by Professor Oak to embark on a great adventure in the Kanto region with his partner Charmander, and meets the young Green on the way and fights with Team Rocket together. The game "Pokémon Red and Green" was released on February 27, 1996, and its birth marked the birth of Pokémon. The game uses the Kanto region as the adventure stage and creates the concept of Pokémon. The global sales of the game are about 31.38 million copies. [Story Introduction] The adventure stage is in Kanto. The young Red got his partner Charmander from Professor Oak of the Pokémon Research Institute and embarked on a great adventure with him. Red's goal is to help the professor complete the collection of Pokémon illustrated books. Therefore, he and Charmander met and fought various Pokémon together. In the battle, Red met Green as an opponent and fought with Team Rocket together. In order to fight against Team Rocket's boss Sakaki, they encounter various unknown Pokémon during the challenge! The new adventure story of the memorable "Pokémon Red and Green" is now available on the animation platform!