Plot: Makunouchi Ippo, who was always bullied, met professional boxer Takamura by chance and started his boxing career. Ippo, who had just joined the Kamogawa Association, finally became the Japanese champion under the strict training of Kamogawa Chairman. After defeating the talented boxer Sanada in the first defense, his next opponent was his junior fellow student, Yamada Naomichi, who had worked together with him in the Kamogawa Association. Facing Naoto who declared that he would take the championship without regard for his feelings, Ippo's heart was shaken... [STAFF] Director: Jun Shishido Series composition: Fudeyasu Kazuyuki Character setting: Koji Sugiura Music: Yoshihisa Hirano Sound director: Satoshi Nakajima Animation production: MADHOUSE production Works: Nippon Telebi/DN Dollar Partner Network, Bag, MADHOUSE [CAST] Makunouchi Ippo: Hirohei Kiyayasu Mamoru Takamura: Rikiya Koyama Ichiro Miyata: Tomokazu Seki Genji Kamogawa: Kenji Utsumi Masaru Aoki: Wataru Takagi Tatsuya Kimura: Keiji Fujiwara