The AC (After Colony) era begins when humans begin to develop the universe. One hundred years after the completion of the first space colony L1, the Earth Unified Government imposes high-pressure rule on the colonies by force. In AC165, the inhabitants of the universe protest against the Earth Sphere, and the mediator is the non-violent and non-armed Hero Wei, who gives speeches in various colonies and on the ground to promote his ideals, but he is assassinated in AC175 (one theory is that the assassin is a member of the secret service organization that was the predecessor of OZ). The colonies then fall into chaos and are suppressed by the secret service (later the predecessor of OZ). Afterwards, the Shank Kingdom and its royal family, the Peascraft family, who advocate pacifism on Earth, are also destroyed. In AC195, the colonists who strongly oppose the Earth Unified Government's strong rule send five Gundams to Earth to begin Operation Meteor, which aims to annihilate the secret service OZ.