Yato (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya) is a down-and-out god who has no fixed place to live, works odd jobs, and wears sportswear. He has no shrine to worship him, and even his artifacts are eager to change jobs. However, he has the great dream of "being admired by all people". He accepts various commissions for five yuan of incense money, from cutting monsters to cleaning. In this way, Yato shuttles between this shore and the other shore, living together with eight million gods, "artifacts" that serve gods, humans, and monsters in this bizarre world. One day, an ordinary junior high school girl Iki Hiyori (voiced by Maaya Uchida) accidentally became attached to Yato, and for this reason she fell into a strange physique-the soul and body are easily separated. Hiyori asked Yato to solve her own problems, but Yato was troubled that he had no "artifacts". Soon, Yato's destined artifact appeared, and Yato named it Yukine (voiced by Yuki Kaji)... This animation is adapted from the fantasy theme manga of the same name created by Adachi Toka.