The story is set in the Edo period of Japan. Feng is a maid in a small teahouse. One day, a group of local bullies came to the teahouse, among whom the son of the local official, Ryujiro, was particularly bullying. Feng accidentally offended Ryujiro, and in a hurry, a jobless ronin in the teahouse, "Wuhuan", rescued Feng. On the other hand, the local official was oppressing the common people. The wandering samurai "Ren" saw injustice and drew his sword to help. He killed the four "master" bodyguards around the local official and saved the poor, thus offending the local official. Afterwards, Wuhuan and Ren met and fought in the teahouse. Suddenly, a fire trapped them and the two were arrested. Because his son died in the fire, the local official, who was angry, ordered the two to be beheaded. On the day of beheading, the two made a scene at the execution ground, and with the help of Feng, they escaped from the execution ground. As a price, Feng asked them to go together to find a samurai who "smells like sunflowers". From then on, the three embarked on a fantasy journey. "Chaos Warriors" is controlled by Shinichiro Watanabe (Shinichiro Watanabe), and the entire movie emphasizes the unique Ukiyo-e and modern hip-hop styles. This animation was selected as the eighth work recommended by the animation department of the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Media Arts Festival in 2004.