This film is a spin-off of Disney's 1950 animation "Cinderella". Cinderella (voiced by Jennifer Hale) and the prince (voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes) have just finished their honeymoon and started her life as a princess in the palace. At first, she couldn't adapt to this new life, but she tried hard to adapt to this brand new life. On the other hand, Cinderella's group of "little friends" also missed her very much. Since Cinderella was too busy and had no time to play with everyone, Giampa (voiced by Rob Paulsen) even asked the fairy godmother to turn him into a human, thinking that in this way, Cinderella might spend more time with him! In the end, both Cinderella and her friends found that even if the most beautiful dreams come true, everything still needs to remain true to oneself, which is the happiest life!