Nura Rikuo is the general commander of the monsters who lead the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. Thirteen-year-old Nura Rikuo (voiced by Jun Fukuyama) seems to be an ordinary middle school student. He likes Kana (voiced by Aya Hirano), the parent of his classmate. But in fact, he has a quarter of monster blood and is the grandson of the big monster "Nura Rikuo". He is respected as the young master by the monsters of the "Nura Group", and has a confidant named Ichikawa Hiraya (voiced by Yui Horie) by his side. But he only wants to be an ordinary human, and refuses to admit that he is a monster, and is even more unwilling to inherit the position of the third generation of Nura Group. An accident four years ago awakened his monster blood and temporarily restored his monster appearance, but during the day, he turned back to human appearance and would forget that he was a monster. Since then, Nura Rikuo has been living a peaceful human life. But in fact, from the day he woke up, he had already made up his mind to inherit the third generation of Nura Group, stand on the top of all the ghosts, and become the lord of demons.