Kobayashi (voiced by Tamura Mutshin) is a very ordinary programmer. He accidentally saved a dragon named Thor (voiced by Kuwahara Yuki). In order to repay Kobayashi's life-saving grace, Thor transformed into a maid and came to Kobayashi's house. In this way, Kobayashi and the dragon maid's cohabitation life began. The quirky and self-willed Kannakamu (voiced by Naganawa Maria), Eluma (voiced by Takada Yuki) who has a very deep prejudice against humans but seems not very smart, the thoughtful, gentle and steady elder sister Lukoya (voiced by Takahashi Minami), who hates humans but cannot help being attracted by the games invented by humans (voiced by Ono Daisuke), since Thor, Kobayashi has been surrounded by these dragons with different personalities one after another.