The story takes place in the bustling city of London, home to Frances O'Connor Frances O'Connor, a poor single mother who lives in a dilapidated old house and alone supports three children, Zhen NiTe (Madison Wolfe), Margaret (Lauren Esposito) and Johnny (Patrick McAuley). Recently, some supernatural phenomena in the house have caused the family to fall into fear and despair. Even worse, Janet, the youngest, seems to have become the object of evil spirits. The church's exorcists Laurie (Vera Farmiga) and Ed (Patrick Wilson) intervened in the matter. Although they sympathized with the family very much, their primary purpose was to find out the authenticity of the supernatural events here. However, apart from some oral statements of the parties involved, there is no conclusive evidence that a supernatural event really happened here, and the two had no choice but to leave.