The male high school student Hikigaya Hachiman (voiced by Takuya Eguchi) has a weird personality and is withdrawn and eccentric. He can neither make friends nor talk to girls. The teacher assigned him the homework of "Reviewing High School Life", but he was full of cynical words and finally cursed "Explode for me". Therefore, the teacher forced him to join the "Servant Club" with only one member, hoping to change his personality. The activity of this club is that the owner will give to the poor with compassion. In simple terms, it is the volunteers in the Service Club who lend a hand to those in need. The head of the Service Club is Yukino Yukinoshita (voiced by Saori Hayami), who is well-known in the school. She is smart, cute, but arrogant. Yukinoshita wants to correct Hikigaya's problem, but he says it's not necessary. Therefore, the teacher suggested that they fight to the death, and the winner can order the loser at will. After Hikigaya came into contact with Yukinoshita, he found that she, who was at the goddess level, also had her own troubles, and the two seemed to have similarities. Hikigaya wanted to ask for friendship, but was rejected by the noble and cold Yukinoshita. Can this man and woman really write a love story in the service club, or is it destined to be just a youth comedy of error?