The HBO series "Succession" is directed and produced by Adam McKay, the screenwriter and director of the movie "The Big Short", and is produced by Jesse Armstrong (scriptwriter) and Will Ferrell. It is now scheduled to premiere on June 3rd, US time. The series revolves around the family scandal of the international media tycoon Roy. Although this is a fictional story, the creators said that the series alludes to the media tycoon Sumner Redstone. In the play, Logan Roy and his four children control one of the world's largest media groups. The elderly father (played by Brian Cox) begins to withdraw from the company, and his children think about how to seize the opportunity to inherit the empire. Other actors include Jeremy Strong, Hiam Abbass, Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin, Alan Ruck, Nicholas Braun, Matthew Macfadyen, Natalie Gold, Peter Friedman and Rob Yang.