The story takes place in the picturesque Otaru. Shota Sekiguchi (Takashi Kashiwahara) was born into a sushi family. His family runs a small but attentive sushi restaurant. The expansion and popularity of chain stores have greatly hit the turnover of family workshops. The Otaru Sushi Competition is about to begin, but Shota's father was seriously injured by his opponent. In desperation, Shota had to go to the battle for his father. Although he failed to win the competition, Shota was appreciated by the judge Feng Zhengwulang (played by Long Leitai), who took Shota under his wing and became his disciple. Shota came to Tokyo and began his practice in Feng Sushi. Although there were many difficulties on the road, Shota resolved them one by one with his own efforts and wisdom. Feng Sushi was squeezed out by its peers and was in danger. At this juncture, Shota stepped forward and participated in the famous rookie sushi competition. This time, can he win alone?