Mickey's (voiced by Wayne Allwine) world is so magical. It's easy to enter here. Just say the spell "Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!" and the beautiful and shining Mooska House will rise from the ground. Here, we will meet Mickey's good friends: the noisy Donald Duck (voiced by Tony Anselmo), the silly Goofy (voiced by Bill Farmer), the honest Pluto, the beautiful and gentle Minnie (voiced by Russi Taylor) and Daisy (voiced by Tress MacNeille), and of course the bad-hearted Pete (voiced by Jim Cummings). Each episode has different situations. Mickey and his friends must cross mountains and rivers to complete the task. When they encounter difficulties, they can shout "Oh Toodles!" to get the help of mysterious tools. Children, what are you waiting for? Come on! "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" is an early education program created by the American Walt Disney Company for preschool children.