Okumura Rin (voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto) was adopted by the priest Shiro Fujimoto (voiced by Keiji Fujiwara) since he was a child. One day, Rin discovered the secret that he was actually the son of Satan. After his adoptive father's tragic death, Rin settled down and embarked on the path of exorcist. The world where Rin exists is divided into two spaces: "material world" and "void world". Humans live in the material world, and in the void world, there are cruel and violent demons. The successive injuries around him made Rin gradually discover that some demons in the void world took advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the human world. In order to uphold justice and protect his kind, Rin decisively took on the responsibility of exorcism. With the help of his younger brother Yukio Okumura (voiced by Jun Fukuyama), Rin continued to move towards the truth. At this time, Rin also discovered that the culprit of all this chaos might be hiding beside them.