The story mainly tells about a high school student named Kaito Kuroba who likes magic and finds the costume of the world-famous thief Kaito Kid in a secret room behind a hidden door in his room. Afterwards, Kaito, wearing the costume of Kaito Kid, meets Terai Yonosuke, the former assistant of his father, the world-renowned magician Toichi Kuroba. From him, he learns that his father is Kaito Kid, and that he did not die in an accident, but was assassinated. In order to find out who killed his father, Kaito decides to start investigating the real cause of his father's death as the second generation of Kaito Kid. One day when Kaito is active as Kaito Kid, he meets a mysterious organization that calls itself "Kuroba Toichi", and this organization is the enemy who killed his father, and the story officially begins.