On a sunny day, Conan (voiced by Takayama Minami), Xiaolan (voiced by Yamazaki Wakana) and the partners of the Junior Detective Team came to Osaka with Maori Kogoro (voiced by Koyama Riki) to participate in the "High School Student Gaoyue Cup" Hyakunin Isshu Waka Competition held locally. During the period, they also met each other's friends Hattori Heiji (voiced by Horikawa Ryo) and Toyama Kazuha (voiced by Miyamura Yuko). Just in the middle of the competition, a letter of explosion warning was sent to the TV station, and the police quickly took action to organize the evacuation. When the evacuation was halfway, the explosion suddenly occurred, and as a result, Heiji and Kazuha were trapped in the building. After a series of chaos, the body of a person related to the Gaoyue Cup suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The confusing case once again attracted Conan's attention... This film is adapted from the super popular manga by Gosho Aoyama and is the 21st movie version of the "Detective Conan Series".