Doma Yui (voiced by Tanaka Aimi) is a goddess-like existence on campus. She has excellent grades, is good at sports, and has a gentle, upright and kind personality. However, only her brother Taihei (voiced by Kenji Nojima) knows that the shining Komaru in everyone's eyes will instantly turn into a super dry girl wearing a hamster cape, rolling on the ground, eating, sleeping and playing the moment she enters the house. Ebina Nana (voiced by Kageyama Tomo) is Komaru's friend. The two live in the same apartment and often eat with Taihei and Komaru. Honjo Kirie (voiced by Shiraishi Haruka) accidentally picked up Komaru's student ID card and found Komaru's home. Tachibana (voiced by Yurina Furukawa) regards Komaru as the strongest opponent in school, but becomes friends with her without recognizing Komaru. In the end, will these girls discover Komaru's true identity?