Akube (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa) is just an ordinary detective on the surface, but he is actually a demon detective who summons demons to solve many problems. After Reiko Sakuma (voiced by Rina Sato), a part-time student who worked as an assistant, worked in Akube's office for 2 months, Akube finally showed Reiko his superpower of summoning demons. Reiko also took this opportunity to enter the world of demons. Akube handles the commissions of the detective agency by summoning different demons, but the demons he summoned are basically idiots with various defects. There is a lower-level demon Azazel (voiced by Masaya Onosaka) whose function is to run away, and his special skill is sexual harassment. There is a demon noble Bessip 931 (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya) whose function is to expose, and his hobby is to eat excrement. There is also the jealous Undine Megumi (voiced by Yu Kobayashi), who is deeply infatuated with her master Akube and has an inexplicable hostility towards Reiko. She is a complete masochist. The office is overwhelmed with commissions every day, but as Akabane said, relying on the power of the devil will not make you happy. You or your loved ones will definitely receive the retribution they deserve.