Kenichi Shirahama (voiced by Tomokazu Seki) is a kind and cowardly introverted teenager. Because of this character, Kenichi has been bullied by his classmates. In order to change the miserable status quo, Kenichi decided to change his appearance and join the school's karate club. Unexpectedly, Kenichi's situation did not change in the club. Because he was hated by the members, Kenichi was about to be expelled from the club. The only way to survive was to win the competition with the members, which was almost an impossible task for Kenichi. A beautiful girl named Furinji Miu (voiced by Rinko Kawakami) appeared in front of Kenichi. She told Kenichi that there was a dojo called Liangshanpo where countless martial arts heroes gathered. In order to win the competition, Kenichi embarked on the Shura Road of cultivation. What he didn't expect was that his ordinary life was about to be completely overturned by this hasty decision.