"Sherlock Holmes" is a British mini-TV series produced by the BBC. The drama moves the story background of the original work from the heyday of the British Empire in the 19th century to the prosperous and bustling metropolis in the 21st century. This time, Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) is not only a famous detective but also a fashion trendsetter. He and his friend and right-hand man John Watson (Martin Freeman) have experienced bizarre citizen suicides, gang smuggling incidents and countdown bomb murders. Each case seems independent but is actually related. Every time the two solve a case, new problems and innocent victims will appear. After unraveling the mystery, Moriarty (Andrew Scott) finally surfaced. In the last episode of the confrontation, how should Sherlock and Watson, who were threatened by bombs and sniper rifles, get out? We can only wait until the second season for the BBC to tell everyone.