アニメ「キングダム」The 2nd episode of シリーズがJune BS プレミアムで has been decided to be broadcast! Broadcast date and time: Every Sunday at 11:45 pm ~ アニメ「キングダム2」の见どころは、ズバリ「生き様」です. The 2nd military commanders of the same generation as Seiko and Shinto appear. In troubled times, the person who lives in troubled times is the person who exists. Achievement を あ げ る posture を ding ning に draw き な が ら, そ 中 で し て い く 如武者 た ち の 热 き 思 い を session け ま す! The broadcast of the first episode of "シリーズが" in April "から総合テレビで" of "さらに,アニメ"キングダム"" has been decided! Broadcast date and time: Every Sunday (late night on Sundays) at 1:10 pm~どうぞごLooking forward to it!