One day, Shin-chan (voiced by Akiko Yajima), Aoi, and Miya (voiced by Miki Narahashi) were kidnapped by a group of mysterious people. When they woke up, they found themselves in a mysterious base. It turned out that this was a secret organization called "Hot Spring G Group", which was intended to protect the hot springs that are very precious to Japan. However, Dr. Dirt Master (voiced by Ieyasu Iemasa) who suddenly appeared attempted to use the "Earth Hot Spring Project" to completely defeat the Hot Spring G Group. The only thing that can stop Dr. Dirt Master's conspiracy is the "Golden Soul Hot Spring" that only exists in legends. After investigation, the team members found that the hot spring is just under Shin-chan's house. Shin-chan's family decided to help the compatriots of Hot Spring G Group find the Golden Soul Hot Spring, but they were attacked by Dr. Dirt Master and eventually became prisoners and suffered torture.